How to clearly recognize the red flags in your relationship

Aiden Scott
4 min readNov 3, 2020


The idea is very simple yet often overlooked by most of us.Red flags are easy to spot even in the very early stages of your relationship.They are visible in the first few weeks. you are reading this article, chances are you have already encountered them and are here for confirmation.

Look at all these red flags you can’t see!

Most likely you will encounter some or all of the following experiences:

1. They often put you in uncomfortable situations , knowing fully well the impact on you after doing so

This could be because they brought up uncomfortable topics and judged your reactions to the same. They went on tell you what they would do, were they in your position. They judge you reactions to situations etc.Understand that this is not normal even if you feel they are doing so to be sure about their partner’s behavior.

2.They expect you to give them all your time.

What’s worse? If you try to make more time for them, they make you feel bad for not doing better.Nothing is ever enough.It is normal for you to be ambitious and work hard to achieve your goals.If someone really respects you they would understand your need for this time.

They can’t stand it if you spend time by yourself.They never express it directly but if you take some time out for yourself without informing them they treat it as a crime.Know that you are not answerable to anyone.You are an independent human.

To be explained in more brutal terms it is possible that they usually have a bad social life and want you as a replacement.

3.They cut off all their friends “to spend more time with you”.

Another bad sign is that they slowly start cutting off people/friends etc from their lives to give you more priority.This is a very toxic trait as it can eventually lead to them making demands from you in terms of your time and space ,with the argument that they cancelled on their XYZ event for YOU! You are not a void to fill in their social life.So please don’t feel obligated to do so.

4.Signs of jealousy.

This is pretty self explanatory and if observable within the first few weeks ,it is borderline dangerous(run!).They start to question you about all your male(female) friends.If you express a slight hint of previous romance they straight up turn into dogs.Imagine their noses growing longer ,now snooping into your business.Making unnecessary comments about who you meet or who you talk to. Checking your phone (unacceptable)and asking the age old question “who was that”. If your conscience is clear and this happens to you don’t even bother reading the next few points.

5.They could possibly trigger your anxiety.

In very rare cases they might bring up really sensitive topics about your relationship in a rather immature manner.And despite you warning them to be more sensitive about it they don’t listen.Girl(boy) prioritize your health first!

6. They excel at guilt tripping and manipulation.

Have you ever wondered when someone hurt your feelings, and you begin the conversation to tell them how you felt; but instead ended up feeling guilty about your behavior instead. This is called gaslighting.Your partner putting thoughts in your mind that never existed in the first place.Chances are they are very very good at making you feel bad and they possible enjoy it too.Don’t give them or anyone that power.

7. Physical abuse.

This is a straightforward one.They put unnecessary pressure on you to do something you are not comfortable with.They often try to turn your “no” into a “yes”. And if for some reason you don’t give in, they bring up one or another argument. Therefore, leaving you sad for not giving in the first place. Yes honey, he bad!Your body is yours and NO ONE should ever tell you what to do with it.

Finally some word of advise if you still feel unsure or unsafe:

A relationship is meant to make you feel secure at the very least.You cannot mend a relationship with a toxic person because they enjoy being who they are.More often than not they are aware of this trait and consciously don’t accept it.The purpose of a partner is to try to uplift you when you are down and not bring you more down. If someone is unable to respect your space or boundaries , chances are that they have no respect for any individual at all.1 in 4 women are victims of stalking so in the aftermath of you leaving your partner if you feel that he is stalking you, you are not alone.It is more common than you would believe.But the idea is that we stay strong and move on.After all you are enough and you are perfect just the way you are.Don’t let a modicum of doubt enter your thoughts.



Aiden Scott
Aiden Scott

Written by Aiden Scott

I am a data scientist. But I have a lot of worldly wisdom too!

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